Thursday, March 15, 2007

A pain in the...

Arm. A pain in the arm is what I meant.. :P. And that is also the reason for this very short post. The reason why I am even typing this post is.....

Ta! Daaaaaaaaaaa!

I am excessively bored today. Sigh!

I know that me being bored is not something new. What is new is a searing pain in my right arm. It is as though some invisible malicious person is pulling my hand and refusing to let go. Much as though he believes that the arm originally belongs to him and my lease on it has expired. As a result of the malice of this particular invisible person, I ahve been amking typos flet, rihht abd centre. :D

Quite annoying, but I guess I will have to bear with ti for a whilr.

Long weekend ahead. Yay!!


Abhimanyu said...

Hope the long weekend is enough time for the hand to heal!

Krithika said...

I hope so too. :(