Monday, July 09, 2007

As for tagging other people, the situation is as follows:

No of bloggers I know: 4
People who have already been tagged: 2

The other two, I have given up on..

Tagged - again!

And this time, I am supposed to be writing down 5 random facts about myself.

Hmm.. lets see.

I prefer wearing glasses to wearing contact lenses (I would rather not wear the glasses either, but lets not begin on that.. :P).

I can stare at the night sky for hours, without tiring of it.

Everytime I write something, it ends up being funny.

I miss studying and writing exams (not bluffing [solemn face]).

I think I am terrible at writing random facts..


Road hogs..

There seems to be a law which goes thus:

If you are the driver of anything slightly bigger than the average tri-cycle, you are provided with the rights to run over fellow human beings who happen to cross your path and treat the road much like a kid would treat a playground.
