Tuesday, November 06, 2007


On the first leg of my journey (complete routine: share auto - walk - bus - walk some more - bus - walk a little - home - phew!) back home yesterday, I got into one of those share autos who have the very noble intention of providing value for money. This, usually takes the form of music. Much as I appreciate the thought, the kind of music (?) I was subjected to yesterday, made me want to banish all auto-drivers with such intentions. I have a feeling you'll agree with me after reading the lyrics:

मैं कपडे बदलकर जाऊं कहाँ;
और बाल बनाउ किसके लिए ?

I rest my case...


Abhimanyu said...

=)). You must admit it lightens up the atmosphere. I mean... it's hilarious!

Snowbeak said...
