Saturday, June 13, 2009

Appraisals, appraisals and some more appraisals.

If there is anything I really dislike, it is coming to work on a Saturday. If there is something I dislike even more, it is filling out appraisal forms.

For the uninitiated, appraisal forms are meant for one to appraise oneself.

Well, since that much was pretty evident from the name, let me shed some more light. It mostly contains a series of attributes that one is to rate oneself on and add additional comments, further explaining those ratings. In addition, there are also some questions that do not require a rating and are more qualitative in nature.

"What's wrong with that?", one might ask and proceed to open the appraisal form all set to fill in the rankings and comments and voila! Easy enough, right?

Nope. Wrong. Also, erroneous, faulty, untrue and incorrect.

Since my inarticulate attempts at explaining these wonderful forms are pretty ineffective, let me present a sample.

Form: What were your job responsibilities in the past review period?

Me: Erm.. erm.. [scratches head, tugs at hair, blinks a couple of times]... That's a superb question! How do you manage to come up with questions that are so challenging?

Form: [Gloats and waits expectantly]

Me: Next question, please.

Form: What are your goals for the next six months?

Me: A ha! Nice. To keep my job intact..

But then, such things may not be mentioned in appraisal forms unless you're sure nobody is going to read it. So I make use of the Backspace key and get back to scratching my head.

And so it goes on, till one simply gives up and takes to blogging about appraisal forms instead of trying to fill them in. But since the deadline is on the morrow, I'd better get back to it. The form is still gloating at me.

What were your job responsibilities...



Unknown said...


All the best!

I'm yet to look at my form. ;)

Krithika said...

Please look at it soon..

Good luck to you too!

The Purple Bicycle said...

I filled out my first (and thankfully only) appraisal form with a slight hangover :P

Krithika said...

That's pretty admirable, actually. I can never think of what to write even in normal conditions.