Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why... people seem in such a hurry in the mornings, that they dont hesitate to run over you in the haste?

.. do people ride bikes on the footpath (!!) and actually have the guts to honk at you and ask you to move out of the way? that sentiment also called kindness-to-fellow-human-beings missing (I refer to people teating your feet like a doormat in a moderately crowded bus..) ?

..are we expected to sit in office the entire day, while certain others (Ahem!) are allowed to come and go as they please?

.. is writing such a task these days?

.. am I not able to read more than 3 pages at a time these days without dozing off?

.. does it feel like the last weekend was a couple of months ago?

.. does every person beyond the age of 40, remotely related to me (and otherwise), ask when I plan to get married?



Snowbeak said...

Oh you poor thing. You need a nice calming holiday.

The writing and reading will come back riding piggy back on the holiday :)

Krithika said...

:). I do plan to take one soon. The very thought brought about an improvement...

I read 4 and a half pages yesterday! :D

Snowbeak said...

can't help ya on the inquisitive old aunties though - i'm still sourcing for solutions for that problem. will let you in on the secret as soon as i know :D

Krithika said...

Please do let me know. As of now I am ducking behind books and trying to evaporate from the room whenever the conversations tend towards such dangerous areas.. :P

Surabhi said...

The best one was abt the weekend.!! Haa haa..Poor you!!
Keep trying harder..!!